Thursday, January 5, 2012

Quiet Time

In my post I wrote this past summer called "Resting," I wrote about how I don't take time to rest. When I try to, I can't stay still long enough to actually do so. I recently came to the realization that I don't take time to be quiet and to listen as a result, because there never seems time.

I gave myself a challenge.This week I decided that I was going to turn off the radio on the way to work and have my 30 minute morning commute be in silence. It was awkward. The first 2 days I was uncomfortable. I felt so vulnerable to God, because I was afraid I was going to hear something that I didn't want to hear. Something that would alter what I have planned for my life. Maybe he would ask me to step out of my comfort zone, do something I had no desire to do, like drop out of college. Move somewhere cold where there is no sweet tea. Lots of ridiculous thoughts crossed my mind Monday and Tuesday morning. I couldn't get over the lack of noise, until Wednesday, when I finally shut my mind off and just listened.

What did I hear? At first, just the semi that I couldn't seem to pass due to other people trying to pass him. Then, God just comforted me. He didn't give me any direction or life altering plan, just praise. It was almost like he was just patting me on the back saying, "Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you. I can't wait to show you what I have planned for you next. I love you."

Do you ever take time to just sit and be quiet to see what God has to say to you? What has he said? 

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