This past Saturday I had the great opportunity to serve and work with two great Christian artists, Audrey Assad and Matt Maher. If you've never heard their music, you have to check it out. They both write great and inspiring worship music. They came to Lexington to play a concert to raise money for Taylor Manor and I was asked to be their artist liaison.
Most people don't really know what a liaison does and I didn't either until I was asked to be one at Ichthus Music Festival last year. In short, I do whatever the artist asks me to do, like hang out with them, go out to a movie or chat over coffee and have deep conversations that inspire new songs.
Actually it's a lost less glamorous. The concert was held at a local Catholic church so we didn't exactly have all the resources required/requested. So what did I do? I cleaned a shower so that the band could shower, took a merch guy to work out at the gym, another to the mall and picked up and delivered all their meals.
So why did I give up an entire Saturday to be a servant? Because that's exactly what Christ calls us to do. We are to serve those greater and lesser than us. Many people don't realize how much fun and enjoyment one can get from serving others. I did get front row tickets to the concert, which was an added bonus, but at the end of the day, I got to know and serve a great group of people.
"For even the Son of Man came not be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28